Earth to McConnell: Immigrant Youth Are In Danger Now and the Urgency is Real

Bruna Bouhid Press Releases

The McConnell Playbook: Delay, Make Excuses, Blame Others & Deport Immigrants

For Immediate Release

Media Contacts:
Bruna Bouhid | | 202-850-0812
Sheridan Aguirre | | 202.793.2267
Texas: Chris Valdez | | 713-352-8197

Washington, DC –  Tonight, the top two Senate Republicans repeatedly lied to make excuses for their refusal to pass legislation to protect immigrant youth. In spite of controlling every branch of government, they blamed immigrants for their inability to come up with the votes to fund the government.

Greisa Martinez Rosas, Advocacy & Policy Director of United We Dream and potential beneficiary of the Dream Act said:

“Tonight was a sad day on the Senate floor as the two top Republican leaders lied about the safety of young immigrants.

“They know better. Rosa Maria Hernandez, a 10 year old Texas girl, was dragged to a detention camp from her hospital room and all across this country, millions of children and young people are living with uncertainty.

“Anyone who says that we have more time for this insane Congressional gridlock is lying. Delay means deportations.”


United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, a powerful network made up of over 400,000 members and 48 affiliate organizations across 26 states. UWD’s vision is to build a multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement of young people who organize and advocate at the local and national levels for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color in the United States.