ICYMI: UWD’s Texas Advocacy Associate Calls Out Governor Abbott Prioritizing His Anti-Immigrant Agenda While 70,000 Texans’ Are Left Without Power and Heat

Mariana O Press Releases

Media Contacts
Mariana Ochoa | Mariana@unitedwedream.org | (786) 807-7425

Texas – DACA recipient and Texas Advocacy Associate of United We Dream, Juan José Martinez-Guevera wrote an eye-opening piece in the Texas Signal calling out Governor Abbott and his Republican allies for prioritizing their anti-immigrant and xenophobic agenda instead of protecting Texan’s from a repeat of of last year’s devastatingb winter freeze. 

As a Texan, Juan describes the harrowing experience of last year’s historic winter freeze that killed nearly 250 Texans and how it compares to this winter where at least 70,000 Texans have already experienced power outages. While insufficient regulations were made to the power grid, Abbott signed a $2 billion bill in September to triple funding for border militarization and wall construction.

“We should not have to live under the constant fear that a defunct government will permit hundreds of preventable deaths in order to maintain political power. Anything less than a complete catastrophe should not be the standard by which our government officials consider success. We’re tired of Gov. Abbott’s efforts to pit Texans against one another through his anti-immigrant hate and lies. He has failed all Texans and once again proven his inability to keep our best interests in mind.“

To Juan, Abbott’s priorities are clear, political gains supersede ensuring Texans’ safety. 

        You can read Juan’s full story here!  


United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, a powerful network made up of over 400,000 members and 48 affiliate organizations across 26 states. UWD’s vision is to build a multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement of young people who organize and advocate at the local and national levels for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color in the United States.